Outreach Programme and Reduced Offer – Pathway to Bath
در مورد این فرصت
Pathway to Bath is a free blended learning programme that gives students the chance to develop key skills for university study and beyond. You’ll work online alongside experienced staff and current students and have the opportunity to attend a free 3-day summer residential visit to experience life as a student at Bath.
The programme is designed to fit around your busy A level (or equivalent) schedule – you can work through the sessions wherever and whenever suits you. You can also gain a reduced offer to study at Bath.
سطح تحصیل
- پیش دانشگاهی
واجد شرایط بودن
Asylum seeker ، Refugee ، Humanitarian protection ، Limited or Discretionary Leave to Remain ، Indefinite Leave to Remain ، Ukraine or Afghan Schemes ، Other forms of sanctuary (including Calais Leave, Section 67 Leave, UASC leave and Stateless Leave )
نکات تکمیلی در مورد معیارهای واجد شرایط بودن
Pathway to Bath is aimed at academically able Year 12 students who are considering applying to study at Bath.
If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact pathway@bath.ac.uk
چه چیزی در این فرصت گنجانده شده است؟
- پشتیبانی و مشاوره برنامه
- دیگر (به زیر مراجعه کنید)
پشتیبانی دیگر ارائه شده است
Students who complete the programme will benefit from:
• the opportunity to get a reduced offer to study at Bath
• developing key skills and knowledge for university and beyond
• valuable experiences to include in a UCAS application
• access personalised support to apply to university
• meeting other like-minded students with similar study interests and future plans
نکات اضافی در مورد پشتیبانی ارائه شده است
All Pathway to Bath participants who apply to study at Bath will receive additional consideration during the application process.
In addition, having completed the Pathway to Bath online learning programme successfully, you may be eligible to receive a reduced offer. The specific terms of your offer will be outlined to you, and may vary by course, but will typically include a reduction of one grade in one of your A-Levels.
انواع مطالعه موجود
- دیگر
- آنلاین
اطلاعات تکمیلی در مورد انواع مطالعه
There is an opportunity to take part in an action packed residential during the summer holiday.
You will stay in university halls, attend lectures and workshops, explore our award-winning facilities and world heritage city, and get involved in social activities to really experience life on campus.
جزئیات بیشتر در مورد فرآیند درخواست
Please apply on our website at https://www.bath.ac.uk/campaigns/pathway-to-bath-programme/
When applying you will need to:
• provide details of your current qualifications (e.g. A-Levels or BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma) and previous qualifications (e.g. GCSEs)
• provide contact details for a parent/carer
• provide contact details of a teacher who can provide a reference
آیا این فرصت برای افراد خارج از UK ?
برای سوالات بیشتر با کاترین دیویس تماس بگیرید
با ما تماس بگیرید 01225386335
به ما ایمیل بزنید pathway@bath.ac.uk
فرصت های اخیر
بیرکبک، دانشگاه لندن
دسترسی به عضویت کتابخانه دانشگاه
نوع فرصت
آمادگی برای دانشگاه، انواع دیگر
بنیاد چرم فروشان
Undergraduate Student Grant Programme
میدلند شرقی، شرق انگلستان، یورکشایر و هامبر، ولز، اسکاتلند، ایرلند شمالی، جنوب غربی، جنوب شرقی، لندن، شمال غرب، شمال شرق، میدلند غربی
نوع فرصت
آنلاین، انواع دیگر

بیرکبک، دانشگاه لندن
The Compass Project Sanctuary Scholarship
نوع فرصت
بورسیه دانشگاه، آنلاین
برای راهنمایی بیشتر در مورد نحوه درخواست برای دانشگاه، صفحه منابع ما را بررسی کنید
تماس بگیرید