Beyond Borders Bursary
À propos de cette opportunité
The Beyond Borders Bursary of £28,000 each are available to 2 Home students accepted on any MA course at London College of Communication, University of the Arts London.
The Beyond Borders scholarship was established through The Refugee Journalism Project. This initiative supports displaced journalists and media professions to re-start their careers in the UK.
Applications are welcome from those who are in financial hardship and those who will benefit from postgraduate studies to realise their full potential.
Niveau d'étude
- Master - Enseigné
Autres niveaux d'études
A bursary of £28,000 each will provide a contribution towards tuition fees, course costs and living expenses. Tuition fees will be paid directly from the award into the University’s Tuition Fees account. Living expense and course costs payments will be paid in termly instalments to the award recipient.
Refugee, Humanitarian protection, Limited or Discretionary Leave to Remain, Indefinite Leave to Remain, Other
Autres critères d'éligibilité
Permanent residency
Notes supplémentaires sur les critères d'éligibilité
To be eligible for the Beyond Borders Bursary students must be:
• Considered a Home student for tuition fee purposes
• Accepted on any full-time MA course at London College of Communication, UAL
starting in September 2023
• Living within commuting distance (maximum travel time of an hour) of London College of
• A refugee OR from a forced migration background
• Have ONE of the following statuses:
o indefinite or definite leave to remain
o refugee status
o humanitarian protection
o permanent residency
Qu'est-ce qui est inclus dans cette opportunité ?
- Bourse partielle (frais d'études et frais de subsistance partiels)
Notes supplémentaires sur l'aide fournie
If you need help, please fill out this form.
Types d'études disponibles
- Temps plein
- Face à face
Autres types d'études
A bursary of £28,000 each will provide a contribution towards tuition fees, course costs and living expenses. Tuition fees will be paid directly from the award into the University’s Tuition Fees account. Living expense and course costs payments will be paid in termly instalments to the award recipient.
Détails supplémentaires sur la procédure de candidature
Applications for this scholarship must be made by filling in an online application form via the
funding tab in the UAL Student Portal: UAL Portal – Login (
In addition to the online application form, you will need to upload the following supplementary
1. An electronic portfolio uploaded on the Student Portal containing one PDF document
[20MB maximum] which should be an example of what you consider to be your best work
for the Selection Panel to review.
2. A copy of your most up to date Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Résumé (uploaded to the student
3. Evidence of your household income (uploaded to the student portal)
4. Evidence of medical condition (if applicable)
5. Evidence of financial hardship* (if applicable)
More information provided in the guidance notes: The Beyond Borders Bursary Guidance Notes 2023-24 (PDF 162KB)
Nombre de places disponibles
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Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter le fournisseur de la bourse
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