Bourse Maycock-Whileman
À propos de cette opportunité
The Maycock-Whileman Scholarship offers financial support to students who have been granted asylum to the UK on the basis of refugee status.
This award has been established as a result of a generous donation to the University from the late Mrs Betty Whileman and provides £1,000 per year to successful recipients for the length of their course. The award is paid directly to the successful recipients and does not have to be paid back after you graduate.
Niveau d'étude
- Premier cycle
Notes supplémentaires sur les critères d'éligibilité
To receive the award in 2022/23, you must:
– have been granted asylum in the UK on the basis of refugee status
– be enrolled on a full-time undergraduate degree at the University of Nottingham (UK Campus)
– be liable for the £9,250 tuition fee
– have Home funding status
– have a household income, as assessed by Student Finance, of below £35,000 and have consented to share this information with the University
– not be on a NHS funded course
– not be in receipt of the Nottingham Potential Bursary (the Core Bursary does not affect your eligibility for this award)
Qu'est-ce qui est inclus dans cette opportunité ?
- Frais d'études (livres, voyages, etc.)
Types d'études disponibles
- Temps plein
- Face à face
Détails supplémentaires sur la procédure de candidature
To apply for this award, you must submit an online application. The closing date for submitting the online application form is 23 June 2023.
Applications are assessed after the start of the academic year.
Cette possibilité est-elle offerte à des personnes extérieures au site UK?
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter le fournisseur de la bourse
Email Us
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