Postgraduate Research Sanctuary Scholarship
À propos de cette opportunité
L'université de Warwick a obtenu le statut d'université du sanctuaire en 2017 et offre depuis lors un soutien financier aux étudiants demandeurs d'asile, afin de leur permettre de poursuivre des études supérieures.
We offer two postgraduate research scholarships of:
- -A non-repayable 100% tuition fee waiver.
- -A non-repayable maintenance stipend in line with UKRI rates.
- -A one off research training and support grant of £5,000.
Niveau d'étude
- Doctorat
Asylum seeker, Refugee, Humanitarian protection, Limited or Discretionary Leave to Remain
Notes supplémentaires sur les critères d'éligibilité
Applicants must:
1. Be of any nationality and hold one of the following statuses as granted by the UK government and/or be supported by the Council for At-Risk Academics (CARA):
- Refugee Status
- Asylum Seeker
- Definite Leave to Remain as a result of an asylum seeker application
- Limited Leave to Remain as a result of an asylum seeker application
- Humanitarian protection as a result of an asylum seeker application
- Included as a dependent (spouse/child) on an application for asylum. Spouses/civil partners must have been the spouse/civil partner on the date on which the asylum application was made. Children/step-children must have been aged under 18 on the date on which the asylum application was made.
2. Have applied to study a full-time or part-time Postgraduate Research course at the University. There is often flexibility to negotiate your start date.
Qu'est-ce qui est inclus dans cette opportunité ?
- Dispense de frais (pas de frais)
- Bourse complète (frais d'études et frais de subsistance)
- Autres (voir ci-dessous)
Autres aides fournies
A one off research training and support grant of £5,000.
Notes supplémentaires sur l'aide fournie
Your UoS Contact: Baljit is here to support sanctuary students with any questions, comments, or concerns. Get in touch any time before or during your studies at Warwick by phone (02476 574051) or email (
Other support: You can find more information about support available for students at Warwick here.
Types d'études disponibles
- Temps plein
- Face à face
- Temps partiel / flexible
Détails supplémentaires sur la procédure de candidature
- Read the PGR Ranking Criteria and Applicant Guidance Notes (2023/24 to be provided in October).
- Submit your course application and upload supporting documents.
- Receive an automated e-mail with a 7 digit applicant ID number. Please allow at least 48 hours for this to arrive.
- Register your ITS applicant account.
- Submit your scholarship application by the application deadline. We regret being unable to accept late applications for any reason.
- Submit supporting documents by the supporting document deadline. We regret being unable to accept late supporting documents for any reason.
- Results of the Doctoral Access Scholarships (Sanctuary) will be communicated by email by the end of March 2023.
The Sanctuary Scholarships scheme has closed for applications for 22/23 study. Applications will reopen in advance of the 23/24 academic year.
Nombre de places disponibles
Cette possibilité est-elle offerte à des personnes extérieures au site UK?
Opportunité permanente
For further questions contact Baljit Gill
Call Us 02476 574051
Email Us
Opportunités récentes
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Date limite
Type d'opportunité
Petite subvention
Sanctuary Scholarships info session for refugees & people seeking asylum
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Type d'opportunité
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Pour plus d'informations sur la manière de s'inscrire à l'université, consultez notre page de ressources.
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