Bourse Sanctuaire
À propos de cette opportunité
Kingston University has four fee-remitted Sanctuary Scholarships available each academic year for Asylum Seeking applicants with no access to Student Finance. This is in support of STAR’s Equal Access Campaign which aims to create scholarship pathways to provide higher education to refugees and asylum seekers who have fled persecution and sought asylum in the UK.
Awards for students seeking sanctuary
We currently offer:
- Four full fee-remitted places each year to successful undergraduate applicants
- An annual £5,000 bursary to support students with study costs
- A place on our KU Cares Scheme, which includes a designated member of staff to provide support, guidance and opportunities throughout your studies.
To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, applicants must meet all the following criteria:
- An asylum seeker through forced migration
- Ineligible to apply for Student Finance due to asylum status
- Holding an offer for an undergraduate course at Kingston University for the forthcoming academic year
(Undergraduate courses including an integrated foundation year are permitted.)
Niveau d'étude
- Premier cycle
Asylum seeker, Limited or Discretionary Leave to Remain
Autres critères d'éligibilité
Applicants with no access to Student Finance due to their asylum status.
Notes supplémentaires sur les critères d'éligibilité
Please read the application guidance notes (available on website link below) in full before submitting an application.
Contact with any questions about the application process.
Qu'est-ce qui est inclus dans cette opportunité ?
- Dispense de frais (pas de frais)
- Bourse partielle (frais d'études et frais de subsistance partiels)
Types d'études disponibles
- Temps plein
Nombre de places disponibles
Cette possibilité est-elle offerte à des personnes extérieures au site UK?
For further questions contact KU CARES
Email Us
Opportunités récentes
Institut royal des architectes britanniques
Bourse RIBA John et David Hubert
East Midlands, East of England, Yorkshire et Humber, Pays de Galles, Écosse, Irlande du Nord, South West, South East, Londres, North West, North East, West Midlands
Date limite
Type d'opportunité
Petite subvention
Sanctuary Scholarships info session for refugees & people seeking asylum
Étude en ligne/à distance
Date limite
Type d'opportunité
En ligne, autres types
The University of Sussex
Scholarships for Palestine (2025)
Date limite
Type d'opportunité
Bourse d'études universitaires
Pour plus d'informations sur la manière de s'inscrire à l'université, consultez notre page de ressources.
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