Bourse Sanctuaire
À propos de cette opportunité
The University of Hull is proud to be part of the growing network of Universities of Sanctuary. As part of this, the Sanctuary Scholarship aims to provide financial support to up to three entrants seeking asylum in the UK, who are located in the Hull area.
It consists of a full tuition fee waiver, an annual £2,000 study grant, and tailored personal support for the full duration of a programme of study, while the applicant remains eligible.
Niveau d'étude
- Premier cycle
- Master - Enseigné
- Master - Recherche
- Doctorat
Asylum seeker, Limited or Discretionary Leave to Remain, Indefinite Leave to Remain
Notes supplémentaires sur les critères d'éligibilité
To receive a University of Hull Sanctuary Scholarship applicants must:
Be offered a place to study at the University, commencing in September 2025
Apply for the Sanctuary Scholarship, providing all requested information and evidence
Live within commuting distance of the University of Hull at the point of application (anyone who needs to relocate cannot be considered)
Not require assistance with accommodation costs or living expenses
Be seeking asylum in the UK, or be the dependent or spouse of someone seeking asylum
have been granted Discretionary/Limited Leave to Remain following an application for asylum, or be the dependent or spouse of someone who meets the aforementioned criteria.
The following groups of students are not eligible to be considered for a University of Hull Sanctuary Scholarship:
Applicants who are eligible for UK Government student financial support
Continuing students at the University of Hull
Students of the Hull York Medical School
Students undertaking a Hull Online course
Qu'est-ce qui est inclus dans cette opportunité ?
- Dispense de frais (pas de frais)
- Frais d'études (livres, voyages, etc.)
Types d'études disponibles
- Temps plein
- Face à face
- Temps partiel / flexible
Détails supplémentaires sur la procédure de candidature
Applications for September 2025 entry will open soon.
Applicants will need to submit a reference from someone who knows them in the UK and evidence of their immigration status. The final stage of the process will be an interview at the University of Hull campus.
Nombre de places disponibles
Cette possibilité est-elle offerte à des personnes extérieures au site UK?
Opportunité permanente
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter le fournisseur de la bourse
Call Us 01482 463002
Email Us
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Pour plus d'informations sur la manière de s'inscrire à l'université, consultez notre page de ressources.
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