Brunel Sanctuary Scholarship





Type of opportunity

University Scholarship


About this opportunity

The Brunel Sanctuary Scholarship is an extremely  important step towards enabling people who have fled persecution and are seeking asylum in the UK to be given the opportunity to attend higher education. The scholarship was introduced in 2018 and is open to eligible students who have received an offer to study on a full time Undergraduate course starting in September 2023. Brunel pathway College (BPC) applicants are eligible to apply for the Scholarship.

The Brunel Sanctuary Scholarship  is a full tuition fee waiver, successful applicants will receive free single occupancy accommodation in one of Brunel’s Halls of Residence’s in standard halls for up to 52 weeks.

The Scholarship will be paid once for each eligible level of study up to a maximum of four years for a full time Undergraduate course, including a Foundation year, (or for five years of a sandwich course, including a Foundation year). No payment will be made in the placement year of a sandwich course, or in the integrated Masters year of an Integrated Master’s programme because the final year of an Integrated Masters is already subject to a partial fee waiver. Scholarship winners will be entitled to free standard single accommodation in the Integrated Masters year.

Level of Study

  • Undergraduate


Asylum seeker, Refugee, Humanitarian protection, Limited or Discretionary Leave to Remain, Ukraine or Afghan Schemes, Other

Other eligibility criteria

  • Asylum Seeker-approved application (provided no conditions have been imposed by the Home Office that prohibits study or restricts study to another institution)
  • Refugee status obtained (this includes the Syrian Vulnerable Person Relocation Scheme or similar schemes.
  • Discretionary Leave to Remain as the result of an asylum claim.
  • Humanitarian Protection.
  • Immigration settlement in the UK as a result of the Family Reunion scheme.
  • Limited leave to remain in the UK as a family member (aged under 18) of a refugee.
  • Limited leave to remain granted on Human Rights grounds.

What is included in this opportunity?

  • Fee Waiver (no fees)
  • Accommodation
  • Application support and advice

Types of study available

  • Full-time
  • Face-to-face

Number of places available


Is this opportunity available for individuals outside of the UK?


For further questions contact Karen Western


For further guidance on how to apply to university, check out our resources page

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