English and Science Summer School at University College London for Young People





Type of opportunity

Preparation for university, Other Types

Closed for 2024
Logo for Bridging the Future

Bridging the Future

About this opportunity

We are a group of UCL PhD students and research staff who are part of an organisation called Bridging The Future and have organised an outreach programme for refugee, young migrant and asylum-seeking students aged 16-21.

The aim of this course is to give students who are considering going into a STEM field the tools to do so. This is the third year we are running this programme since the previous summer schools were really successful!

The summer school will be held at UCL and will run on the following days: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th August 2023. Travel and lunch will be covered for the participating students.

The application form can be found here. The deadline for the application is the 22nd July 2023.

Students signed up for any course/BTEC/GCSEs/A-levels related to STEM subjects with a school/college will get priority for the programme.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions!

Best wishes,

BTF Team

Level of Study

  • Pre-university

Other levels of study

Students working towards GCSE, BTEC Diplomas, and A-levels


Asylum seeker, Refugee status, Humanitarian protection, Temporary refugee permission, Other forms of sanctuary (including Calais Leave, Section 67 Leave, UASC leave and Stateless Leave)

What is included in this opportunity?

  • Other (see below)

Other support provided

We will cover the travel cost (London TFL Zone 1-6) and lunch will be provided during the summer school days (Timing- 10 am – 4:30 pm)

Types of study available

  • Face-to-face

Other types of study

Students working towards GCSE, BTEC Diplomas, and A-levels

Additional details about application process

Follow this link for the application form and make sure that the consent form is completed too: Application form

Number of places available


Is this opportunity available for individuals outside of the UK?


For further questions contact BTF Team