Uliza Bath - Ushauri wa E


Kusini Magharibi

Aina ya fursa

Maandalizi ya chuo kikuu

Tuma Ombi Sasa

Kuhusu fursa hii

Uliza Bath ni huduma ya gumzo la mtandaoni kwa wanafunzi wa Miaka 10-13 inayotoa usaidizi wa wanafunzi wenzao kitaaluma, taarifa kuhusu maombi ya chuo kikuu na maarifa kuhusu maisha ya chuo kikuu. Inatoa ujumbe wa papo hapo kwa wanafunzi kupitia jukwaa salama linalowawezesha kuunganishwa na E-Mentor wakati wowote na popote wanapotaka, kwa muda mfupi au mrefu wapendavyo.

Kiwango cha Mafunzo

  • Kabla ya chuo kikuu


Asylum seeker , Refugee , Humanitarian protection , Limited or Discretionary Leave to Remain , Indefinite Leave to Remain , Ukraine or Afghan Schemes , Other forms of sanctuary (including Calais Leave, Section 67 Leave, UASC leave and Stateless Leave )

Vidokezo vya ziada kuhusu vigezo vya kustahiki

Wanafunzi wa mwaka 10-13

Ni nini kinajumuishwa katika fursa hii?

  • Msaada wa maombi na ushauri

Vidokezo vya ziada kuhusu usaidizi uliotolewa

Our E-Mentors can give Ask Bath students some short-term academic support in many different subjects that they have studied themselves, as well as providing information and guidance about university, the applications process and student life.
• Students will choose an E-Mentor based on the subject that they need help with or to ask about university life.
• The E-Mentor will help the student with questions about homework, the relevant academic subject or with information about university applications and what it’s like to study at university.
• If the student would like help with a different academic subject, they can request to be unmatched and then get help from an E-Mentor in the different subject.
• The match with an E-Mentor is a short-term arrangement (up to 6-8 weeks) which will expire after a short period of inactivity.

Aina za masomo zinazopatikana

  • Mtandaoni

Je, fursa hii inapatikana kwa watu binafsi nje ya UK ?


Fursa inayoendelea


Kwa maswali zaidi wasiliana na Hilary Brummitt


Kwa mwongozo zaidi wa jinsi ya kuomba chuo kikuu, angalia ukurasa wetu wa nyenzo


Je, unahitaji usaidizi?
Tunaweza kusaidia