BNU Refugee Scholarship


Kusini Mashariki

Aina ya fursa

Scholarship ya Chuo Kikuu

Tuma Ombi Sasa

Kuhusu fursa hii

Buckinghamshire New University is committed to supporting refugees and providing them with opportunities to make the most of their new lives. Will be offering at least one scholarship per year.

Kiwango cha Mafunzo

  • Shahada ya kwanza
  • Mwalimu - Kufundishwa



Vidokezo vya ziada kuhusu vigezo vya kustahiki


For us to consider your application for our Refugee Scholarship you must:

  1. Provide Evidence of your Biometric Residence Permit (BPR Card) and Share Code showing your immigration status as either a Group 1, Group 2, Humanitarian Protection, Leave to remain or Stateless Leave.
  2. Be ineligible to access funding from the Student Loan
  3. Si tayari kushikilia shahada ya kwanza au kufuzu.
  4. Una ofa ya masharti au isiyo na masharti kutoka Chuo Kikuu Kipya cha Buckinghamshire.
  5. You must be getting enrolled onto a full-time undergraduate or course with foundation year in one of our campuses High Wycombe, Uxbridge or Aylesbury campuses.

Ni nini kinajumuishwa katika fursa hii?

  • Uondoaji wa Ada (hakuna ada)
  • Malazi
  • Bursary kiasi (gharama za masomo na gharama za maisha)

Vidokezo vya ziada kuhusu usaidizi uliotolewa

Usomi huo utashughulikia:

  1. Gharama ya ada zote za masomo ya kozi.
  2. Maintenance allowance for the duration of the course on intervals through the duration of the course £2600 per academic year
  3. Accommodation for the duration of the course of study in University Halls of Residence.
  4. Uanachama wa bure wa mazoezi.
  5. Ufikiaji wa mpango mpya wa utumiaji wa BNU

Aina za masomo zinazopatikana

  • Muda kamili
  • Uso kwa uso

Maelezo ya ziada kuhusu mchakato wa maombi

If you want to apply for this bursary, simply complete this form and visit us at the Student Information Centre or email your application to

Je, fursa hii inapatikana kwa watu binafsi nje ya UK ?


Fursa inayoendelea


Kwa maswali zaidi wasiliana na Timu ya Bursary

Tupigie 01494 522 141


Kwa mwongozo zaidi wa jinsi ya kuomba chuo kikuu, angalia ukurasa wetu wa nyenzo


Je, unahitaji usaidizi?
Tunaweza kusaidia