Full-Fee Scholarships
Kuhusu fursa hii
The NEW SCHOOL OF THE ANTHROPOCENE is a radical and affordable experiment in interdisciplinary higher education. We are a self-organising, non-bureaucratic ensemble of over 60 experienced teachers and practitioners attached to universities and arts institutions across the UK and the world.
In collaboration with October Gallery London we seek to recover educational adventure and are dedicated to addressing ecological restoration and social renewal through the arts. NSotA’s one-year Diploma in Environmental Humanities mines the critical-creative seam, and regards all students as researchers. Weekly seminars, small-group classes and individual supervisions are held both in-person and on-line to enable participation across the planet.
The New School is offering full-fee scholarships for the 2023-24 academic year to English-speaking refugees now living in the UK, who’ve had their current university education interrupted by the wars in Ukraine, Yemen and elsewhere.
For more details, please write to the Convenor, Michael Hrebeniak via nsota.info@gmail.com or the Contact page of the website (www.nsota.org).
Kiwango cha Mafunzo
- Shahada ya kwanza
- Mwalimu - Kufundishwa
- Mwalimu - Utafiti
Asylum seeker , Refugee , Humanitarian protection , Limited or Discretionary Leave to Remain , Indefinite Leave to Remain , Ukraine or Afghan Schemes , British National Overseas (BNO) , Other forms of sanctuary (including Calais Leave, Section 67 Leave, UASC leave and Stateless Leave ), niko nje ya UK
Ni nini kinajumuishwa katika fursa hii?
- Uondoaji wa Ada (hakuna ada)
Aina za masomo zinazopatikana
- Mtandaoni
- Muda wa muda / rahisi
- Uso kwa uso
Idadi ya maeneo yanayopatikana
Je, fursa hii inapatikana kwa watu binafsi nje ya UK ?
Fursa inayoendelea
For further questions contact Dr Michael Hrebeniak
Email Us nsota.info@gmail.com
Fursa za hivi majuzi
Birkbeck, Chuo Kikuu cha London
Fikia Uanachama wa Maktaba ya Chuo Kikuu
Aina ya fursa
Maandalizi ya chuo kikuu, Aina Nyingine
The Leathersellers Foundation
Undergraduate Student Grant Programme
Midlands Mashariki, Mashariki ya Uingereza, Yorkshire na Humber, Wales, Scotland, Ireland ya Kaskazini, Kusini Magharibi, Kusini Mashariki, London, Kaskazini Magharibi, Kaskazini Mashariki, Midlands Magharibi.
Tarehe ya mwisho
Aina ya fursa
Mkondoni, Aina Nyingine

Birkbeck, Chuo Kikuu cha London
The Compass Project Sanctuary Scholarship
Tarehe ya mwisho
Aina ya fursa
Usomi wa Chuo Kikuu, Mtandaoni
Kwa mwongozo zaidi wa jinsi ya kuomba chuo kikuu, angalia ukurasa wetu wa nyenzo