Usaidizi wa Kutayarisha Taarifa za Kibinafsi


Midlands Mashariki, Mashariki ya Uingereza, Yorkshire na Humber, Wales, Scotland, Ireland ya Kaskazini, Kusini Magharibi, Mashariki ya Kusini, London, Kaskazini Magharibi, Kaskazini Mashariki, Midlands Magharibi, Utafiti wa Mtandaoni/Remote

Aina ya fursa

Mkondoni, Maandalizi ya chuo kikuu

Tuma Ombi Sasa

Kuhusu fursa hii

My Academic Family is offering free assistance with personal statement preparation for displaced students applying to universities in the UK. Our personal statement coach will guide you through the process of writing a personal statement, including providing information on the purpose and format of personal statements, and provide feedback and help on 3 drafts of your personal statement. This service can be provided completely via email, though 1 or 2 video chat or phone sessions can also be requested.

Kiwango cha Mafunzo

  • Kabla ya chuo kikuu


Asylum seeker , Refugee , Humanitarian protection , Limited or Discretionary Leave to Remain , Indefinite Leave to Remain , Ukraine or Afghan Schemes , British National Overseas (BNO) , Other forms of sanctuary (including Calais Leave, Section 67 Leave, UASC leave and Stateless Leave ), niko nje ya UK , Nyingine

Vidokezo vya ziada kuhusu vigezo vya kustahiki

My Academic Family’s free personal statement assistance is available to any student whose parents do not hold a university degree. Special eligibility applies to students who are displaced, even if their parents do have a degree.

Ni nini kinajumuishwa katika fursa hii?

  • Msaada wa maombi na ushauri

Aina za masomo zinazopatikana

  • Mtandaoni
  • Muda wa muda / rahisi
  • Muda kamili
  • Uso kwa uso

Maelezo ya ziada kuhusu mchakato wa maombi

To access this support, please email Carly McNamara at:

Carly will have a brief discussion with you about your situation and needs and will then be able to offer the service.

Idadi ya maeneo yanayopatikana


Je, fursa hii inapatikana kwa watu binafsi nje ya UK ?


Fursa inayoendelea


Kwa maswali zaidi wasiliana na Carly McNamara

Tupigie 0800 861 1503


Kwa mwongozo zaidi wa jinsi ya kuomba chuo kikuu, angalia ukurasa wetu wa nyenzo


Je, unahitaji usaidizi?
Tunaweza kusaidia