ሳንክቸሪ ስኮላርሺፕ
ብዛዕባ እዚ ዕድል
UEA is committed to helping reduce the barriers to participation in Higher Education (HE) faced by those seeking sanctuary in the UK. Sanctuary scholarships for the 2023/24 academic year are detailed below. We welcome applications to this scholarship from anyone who is seeking sanctuary in the United Kingdom.
Value of Scholarship award
The Scholarship awards the student honorary Home fee status and pays for:
Undergraduate level: the Home rate (£9,250* per annum) and an annual bursary (£9000) for up to four years of study.
Postgraduate taught level: the Home rate (£9,500* per annum) and an annual bursary (£9000) for one year of study.
Postgraduate research level: the Home rate (£4,500* per annum) for three years of study and an annual bursary (£9000) for three years of study plus an additional bursary for the year of thesis write-up (post registration), and an annual bench fee (to be agreed with Sanctuary budget holder).
Preference will be based upon:
1. Being unable to access mainstream funding, for example from Student Finance England or a local authority grant due to your immigration status
2. Living in the East of England Region
We will still consider applications forms which do not meet the preference criteria.
The selection panel will take the following factors into consideration:
1. Barriers to accessing higher education
2. Academic Potential and ambitions for the future
3. Potential contribution to the UEA and local community
ደረጃ መጽናዕቲ
- መሰረት
- ናይ መጀመርታ ዲግሪ
- ናይ መምህር - ዝተማህረ
- ማስተርስ - ምርምር
- ፒኤችዲ
Asylum seeker ፣ Refugee ፣ Humanitarian protection ፣ Limited or Discretionary Leave to Remain ፣ Indefinite Leave to Remain ፣ Ukraine or Afghan Schemes ፣ British National Overseas (BNO) ፣ Other forms of sanctuary (including Calais Leave, Section 67 Leave, UASC leave and Stateless Leave ) .
ተወሳኺ መዘኻኸሪታት ብዛዕባ መዐቀኒታት ብቕዓት
Please note, we do not accept applications from those looking to study the MB/BS course at the Norwich Medical School.
ኣብዚ ዕድል እዚ እንታይ ይካተት?
- ምሕረት ክፍሊት (ክፍሊት የለን)
- ምሉእ ቦርሳ (ዋጋ መጽናዕትን ምሉእ ወጻኢታት መነባብሮን)
- ናይ መመልከቲ ደገፍን ምኽርን
- ስንቂ ቋንቋ እንግሊዝ
ተወሳኺ መዘኻኸሪታት ብዛዕባ ዝወሃብ ደገፍ
One to One Support Sessions
One to one support sessions offering guidance and advice on how to write strong supporting statements are available for sanctuary scholarship applicants. To find out more and to book your session, please email: university.of.sanctuary@uea.ac.uk.
Duolingo English Test Access Programme
As a University of Sanctuary, we are delighted to be taking part in the Duolingo English Test Access Programme which offers a set number of free English language test places for students from a forced migration background. To find out more about Duolingo, including further guidance on preparing for the test, please click here.
To access your free test, please email: university.of.sanctuary@uea.ac.uk
ዓይነታት መጽናዕቲ ዝርከቡ
- ምሉእ ግዜ
- ናይ ክፍለ ግዜ / ተዓጻጻፊ
ብዝሒ ዝርከቡ ቦታታት
እዚ ዕድል ንውልቀሰባት ካብ... UK ?
ንተወሳኺ ሕቶታት ንማድሊን ዳተን ተወከሱ
ኢመይል ግበሩልና university.of.sanctuary@uea.ac.uk
ናይ ቀረባ እዋን ዕድላት
The University of Sussex
Scholarships for Palestine (2025)
ደቡባዊ ምብራቕ
ዘብቀዐሉ ግዜ
ዓይነት ዕድል
ዩኒቨርሲቲ ስኮላርሺፕ
The University of Sussex
Sanctuary Scholarship (Masters) (2025)
ደቡባዊ ምብራቕ
ዘብቀዐሉ ግዜ
ዓይነት ዕድል
ዩኒቨርሲቲ ስኮላርሺፕ
The University of Sussex
Sanctuary Scholarship (Undergraduate) 2025
ደቡባዊ ምብራቕ
ዘብቀዐሉ ግዜ
ዓይነት ዕድል
ዩኒቨርሲቲ ስኮላርሺፕ
ንተወሳኺ መምርሒታት ከመይ ጌርካ ናብ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከም እተመልክት ኣብ ገጽ ጸጋታትና ተወከሱ
ርክብ ግበሩ