NU Sanctuary Scholarship 2024/25


North East



Type of opportunity

University Scholarship


About this opportunity

Newcastle University is proud to support equal access to higher education and is pleased to offer Sanctuary scholarships consisting of full tuition fee support and a bursary for living expenses for applicants wishing to study at the University. The scholarships have been designed to enable students from asylum-seeker and refugee backgrounds to progress to higher level study commencing September 2024 for the full duration of the student’s degree programme.

The closing date for applications is 5th April 2024. No further applications for 2024 entry will be considered after this date.

Level of Study

  • Master’s - Taught
  • Master’s - Research
  • PhD
  • Undergraduate


Asylum seeker, Refugee, Humanitarian protection, Limited or Discretionary Leave to Remain

Additional notes about eligibility criteria

1.The following categories of applicants can apply under this scheme:

a. asylum seekers

b. children of asylum seekers and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (e.g.children migrants under 18)*

c. applicants with refugee status (ineligible for Student Finance government funding)

*Applicants who have been granted Humanitarian Protection, Discretionary Leave to Remain as a result of an application for asylum, or the children of a parent in this position, will also be considered.

2. Applicants must be living in the UK at the time that they apply for consideration under the scheme. Priority will be given to applicants from the North East of England (Tyne and Wear, County Durham, Northumberland, Cleveland and North Cumbria).

3. Applicants must have applied for a place on a Newcastle University degree programme. Priority will be given to applicants applying for their first degree.

4. Their predicted grades must meet the entry requirements for the degree concerned.

Applicants who hold qualifications from outside the UK are welcome to use our International Webpages.  Start by Selecting your Country to find the typical Undergraduate and Postgraduate entry requirements before you apply to Newcastle.

Should you have any further questions about our entry requirements, please do get in touch via the below links;

Enquiries about Undergraduate Study

Enquiries about Postgraduate Study

5. Applicants must meet the English language criteria for their course or have relevant qualifications to indicate their English language competency. Find out more about English language support at Newcastle University.

Personal circumstances will be considered if there is good reason for criterion 4 or 5 not being met.

6. Applicants must be unable to access mainstream funding, for example from Student Finance England or a local authority grant.

These criteria have been discussed and agreed with the Asylum and Migration Justice Forum.

Sanctuary Scholarship applications will be considered from students applying to the following programmes:

The following applicants are not eligible to apply for Sanctuary Scholarship funding:

  • Current students
  • Study abroad and exchange students
  • Applicants for non-degree awards (Higher Education Diploma, Higher Education Certificate, Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma)

For more information about the scheme, please see the Newcastle University Sanctuary Scholarship Regulations (PDF: 82.4KB).

What is included in this opportunity?

  • Full bursary (study costs and full living costs)

Additional notes about support provided

Full tuition fees and living expenses.

Types of study available

  • Full-time

Additional details about application process

Applications for the Sanctuary Scholarship must be made using our online form.

Applicants will be required to upload proof of their immigration status and a reference. The reference should be from someone who has known the applicant for a significant period of time and who is aware of their personal circumstances.

The reference letter is an important part of the selection process and must address the below points, as well as any other information you believe should be taken into consideration by the selection panel;

  • What are the applicant’s personal and financial circumstances and what barriers have they overcome to continue their education?
  • How well suited is the applicant to the higher education course they plan to undertake, and how realistic are the applicant’s ambitions?
  • What contribution, to your knowledge, has the applicant made to their community, or to school/college life (if applicable)?
  • Is there any other information that you believe is relevant to this application?
  • How do you think the applicant would benefit from the support offered by the Sanctuary Scholarship?

Applications will only be considered if they are accompanied by a reference that is signed, dated, and on letterhead.

Please read the application guidance carefully, before completing the application form.

The deadline to apply is midnight on Friday 5th April 2024. Late applications will not be considered.

Number of places available


Is this opportunity available for individuals outside of the UK?


For further questions contact the scholarship provider

Call Us 0191 208 4488


For further guidance on how to apply to university, check out our resources page

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